- 'Tis Pity'
- Agathas
- Echo Calls
- Quixote's Pyre
- Sabrina
- A Beheading
- A Bit of Wisdom
- A Choice
- A Dagger in the Dark
- A Hope of Understanding
- A House Call
- A Killing
- A Month in Misery
- A Pact
- A Pauper to a Peasant King
- A Response to Auden
- A Virginal
- A Vista and a Garden
- Alike in Possibility
- All the Same
- Amongst the Scholars
- An Actor Speaks
- An Inquiry
- Appearances
- As Romeo to Juliette
- Before the Altar
- Communing with the Dead
- Continua Cogitatio
- Convcitions
- Culture
- Dark Lady
- Death Came as Death is Wont
- Disruption
- Eight Images
- Elegy for One Yet Living
- Epistle to Phyllis
- Epistles
- Epithalmion
- Eternal Strivings
- Eyes Like
- Fate
- Fellow Sufferer
- Fire Makes Ash
- Forward
- General and Special
- Gone to Seed
- Hapax Legomemnon
- He Tried to Sing What He Could Not Say
- Hebenon
- Her Beauty
- History
- How
- In and For Rejection
- Irony Speaks Twice
- Kintsugi
- Law of Attraction
- Left-Handed Lady
- Left Unsaid
- Light through the Canopy
- Like Attracts Like
- Lilith
- Maelstrom Eyes
- Many and Varied Forms
- Middle-Aged at Twenty-Three
- Misty Lady
- Mother to Son
- Music of the Spheres
- Nicht
- Of Fragrance Sweet
- Of Love and Hate
- On Questions
- Ophelia
- Pater Noster
- Phalaris
- Phantasmagoria
- Prying Eyes
- Re Little Gidding
- Say What Must be Said
- Silence
- Smoke, an Image
- Tea-Like
- The All-Too Recent Past
- The Citadel
- The Couple Agrees
- The Few and Far Between
- The Frenchman's Latin
- The Gates of Hell
- The Gods are Dead
- The Lady in the Hall Pads Up and Down
- The Martyr
- The Obalte
- The Old Garden
- The Public Library
- The Scholar in His Tower
- The Throne
- The Virgin
- The Wideness of the Sea
- The Willow Bower
- This Cannot Be
- To be Changed
- Trading Adjecrtives
- Turning
- Visions in the Cave
- We Named Each and Every Thing
- Wine and Music